This $19 million project converted a 66,000-square-foot vacant structure into a vibrant center for arts and innovation. After the renovation was completed, Cross Street Partners took on the role of property manager, overseeing daily operations and managing tenant relations.
The Centre is now home to:
– Baltimore Jewelry Center – a community arts education space passionate about teaching jewelry making and metal skills.
– Central Baltimore Partnership – a collaborative workspace for nonprofits that serve Baltimore neighborhoods.
– Impact Hub – a community of people working to improve the city, connected through co-working and inspired programming.
– JHU-MICA Film Centre – home to the MFA in film making and BFA in film and video programs.
– Neighborhood Housing Services – a local network of resources to help homeowners achieve and maintain ownership in Baltimore neighborhoods.
– Jubilee Baltimore – a nonprofit that develops affordable and market-rate housing / historic renovation and community planning.